Health Benefits Of Drinking Water From Copper Vessel

There are many health benefits of drinking water from Copper vessel according to Ayurveda, the holistic healing system based in India. It is believed that storing water in a copper vessel is good for health. Copper is an essential mineral for the human body. Copper is highly beneficial, it has many antioxidants. It is a great anti-inflammatory and detox agent. The top health benefits of drinking water from the copper vessel are

1.    Helps to maintain the body’s PH balance

2.    Anti-microbial agent

3.    Copper helps to remove bacteria and impurities from water

4.    Copper is good for the metabolic functioning

5.    Improve digestive system boost immunity.

6.    Brain stimulant.

Krishnendu Ayurveda a speciality centre of Ayurveda, Ayurvedic resorts in Kerala promising you holistic healing Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala for various health ailments including diabetes, eye care, glaucoma, thyroid, obesity, arthritis, varicose veins, asthma, depression, migraine, skin care etc. The Ayurvedic packages Kerala offered here is designed for your wellbeing according to your need and time. 

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9 Health Benefits Of Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is an ancient technique of offering gratitude to the sun in 12 postures which has many underlying health benefits. According to Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala, it is a sacred yet powerful yogic technique which helps balance the three doshas and also, its systematic daily practice is highly recommended for longevity. Below listed are some of the key health benefits of Surya Namaskar.

1.    Improves blood circulation

2.    Strengthens heart, wrist and arm muscles

3.    Relieves neck and shoulder tension

4.    Effective for weight loss

5.    Improves flexibility, posture and balance

6.    Stimulates lymphatic system

7.    Supports respiratory system

8.    Promotes endocrine health

9.    Effective against stress, anxiety, depression and insomnia

Krishnendu Ayurveda, the leading ayurvedic resorts in Kerala has aa wealth of knowledge acquired through tradition.

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5 Health Benefits Of Head Massage In Ayurveda

An ayurvedic massage process increases oxygen uptake in tissues and improves blood circulation. The ayurvedic head and body massage not only provide relaxation to body and mind, but also it keeps many diseases at bay. It is just servicing or take caring for the body. According to Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala, the head is the operational centre of the human body. The top health benefits of head massage are

1.    Stimulates hair growth
Scalp massage stimulates the blood circulation and the hair roots get more nutrition. Thus the head massage stimulates the hair growth.

2.    Improves concentration
A healthy mind is a prime key to success. Head massage improves concentration and memory by increasing the flow of blood to the nervous system and soothing the mind.

3.    Relieves migraine pain
The head massage helps to relieve migraine pain. According to Ayurveda, migraine is a tridosha disorder. There are effective Ayurvedic treatment India for migraine.

4.    Reduces stress & anxiety
Head massage is an effective stress reliever. It improves blood circulation throughout the head, shoulders, neck, and even the back and relaxes the muscles and thus reduces stress. Which also helps to eliminate chemicals such as serotonin in the brain.

5.    Nourishes cerebral arteries
The Ayurveda massages are nourishing and detoxifying. Head massage nourishes cerebral arteries.

Krishnendu Ayurveda, the known ayurvedic treatment centre the best Ayurvedic resorts in Kerala is known for healing ayurvedic treatments and therapies for various ailments. 

7 Symptoms Of Prameha - Ayurvedic Treatment In Kerala

In Ayurveda, diabetes is known as Prameha. In the whole world, nearly 24% of the population is suffering from Prameha. Diabetes is the leading cause of many other ailments such as blindness, kidney failure, amputations, heart failure and stroke. The body’s ability of a diabetes patient to produce or respond to the insulin hormone gets impaired, resulting in an abnormal metabolism and higher levels of glucose levels in the blood. In Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala, there is an effective treatment for diabetes. Many diabetes patients are managing their disease with Ayurveda. By taking timely treatment you can manage the blood sugar level.

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes

1.    Frequent urination

2.    Sudden weight loss

3.    Extreme fatigue

4.    Excessive hunger and thirst

5.    Slow healing

6.    Tingling or numbness in palms and soles

7.    Blurry vision

Ayurveda points out the major causes of diabetes as unhealthy lifestyle & diet and physical & mental causes. Once you diagnosed with diabetes take immediate treatment.  According to  Ayurvedic packages in Kerala, the treatment for prameha is a combination of personalized medication, dietary and lifestyle changes.

Krishnendu Ayurveda, the top-rated ayurvedic resorts in Kerala offers excellent ayurvedic treatment for diabetes.

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Nasya In Ayurveda

In Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala, Nasya treatment is an ayurvedic therapy, a therapeutic procedure using medicine that is administered through nostrils resulting in great relief for multiple health issues.  Nasya is employed for the treatment of ear, nose and throat. Nasya is one among five panchakarma therapies in Ayurveda. The top important benefits of Nasya Chikitsa are

. Cleans, purifies and strengthens the nasal passages

. Effective for Sinusitis, headaches & migraine

. Enhance the activity of sense organs

. Relieves stress

Krishnendu Ayurveda one of the top-rated Ayurvedic resorts in Kerala is known for healing Ayurvedic treatment India for the last many years.

6 Best Foods For Arthritis

Arthritis is the inflammation of the joint.  The very common complaint when it comes to arthritis is pain, stiffness and swelling in the joints. There are many types of arthritis like



    Psoriatic arthritis

    Rheumatoid arthritis

    Ankylosing spondylitis

According to Kerala Ayurveda rejuvenation packages, the common symptoms of arthritis are

. Pain and stiffness in the body especially joints

. Swelling

. Heaviness in the body

. Lack of appetite

. Indigestion

. Thirst

Unhealthy food habits and sedentary lifestyle is the root cause of many diseases, says Ayurveda. The Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala for arthritis start with the pacification of Vata dosha and the discharge of toxins from the body. The top 6 best foods for arthritis are

1.    Almonds
Nuts are rich in vitamin E, protein, calcium, zinc, magnesium, immune boosting alpha-linolenic acid, protein and fiber. Almonds are good for arthritis and heart health.

2.    Ginger
The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger help to relieve pain and inflammation. The compounds in ginger  It has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticancer properties and it can act as a COX-2 inhibitor.

3.    Cherries
Apart from its taste, cherry has many health benefits. Cherry can reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of gout. It contains many anti-inflammatory compounds which help to relieve pain from inflammatory osteoarthritis.

4.    Pineapple
Pineapple is rich in Vitamin C and it also provides the enzyme bromelain. The anti-inflammatory properties of Bromelain help to reduce joint swelling and pain.

5.    Broccoli
The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of broccoli are good for the health of bones and joints. In the view of ayurvedic packages in Kerala broccoli could help fight arthritis.

6.    Papaya
Papaya has higher contents of the enzyme, papain, which is a great natural remedy for joint pains. Papaya possesses good anti-inflammatory properties.

Krishnendu Ayurveda one of the trusted names in ayurvedic resorts in Kerala offers healing ayurvedic treatments and therapies for various ailments. 

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Gout Management In Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, Gout is known as Vata-Rakta and is characterised by inflammation in joints and muscle tendons with severe pain. It is a metabolic disorder of uric acid which is caused by the vitiation of Vata, Pitta and rakta dhatu. Generally, gout first affects the big toe causing it to swell. In the next stage, gout spreads to other parts of the body such as ankles, knees, wrist, joints of hands & feet and elbow.

Gout results in the deposition of uric acid in the cartilages of the joints. If the body is producing too much uric acid or the body is not excreting the ample amount of uric acid, it starts accumulating in the body. Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala points out the factors influencing gout and increased uric acid deposition in the body as

. Renal failure’lead poisoning

. Myxoedema

. Down’s syndrome

.Drugs like diuretics, Pyrazinamide and aspirin

. Hyperparathyroidism

The common  symptoms of Gout are

. Fever

. Swelling

. Swollen joints

. Burning sensation

. Itching

. Pain

. Redness of the skin

To treat gout Ayurvedic treatment India recommends highly effectual

1. Panchakarma therapies

2. Patra Pinda Sweda

3. Shashtika Shali Pinda Sweda

4. Pizhichil

5. Leech therapy

Ayurveda packages Kerala suggest a healthy diet and lifestyle to get rid of diseases. Diet and lifestyle advice for gout

. Avoid high protein diet

. Avoid red meat, alcohol, tobacco etc.

. Drink plenty of water

. Add more vegetables to your dirt, take steamed or boiled vegetables

. Eat seasonal fruits

. Avoid dairy products especially yoghurt

. Do exercise daily

. Add garlic, coriander, cardamom, ginger, cumin, fennel and cinnamon to your diet.

Krishnendu Ayurveda, the top ayurvedic resorts in Kerala offers healing ayurvedic treatments for various health ailments.

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Therapeutic Uses of Camphor

Camphor is said to have extraordinary medicinal properties.

Here are some of the therapeutic usages of camphor.

• Camphor is beneficial for comforting nasal blockage and cough when applied on the chest as oil.

• It is also used as a component in throat drops and cough syrup.

• Camphor is an ingredient in anti-itch ointment, cooling gels and creams as it can treat the pain locally.

• Due to its anaesthetic effect, it is also used in blends of massage to release pain from arthritis and muscle aches.

• Camphor is a better mosquito repellent when compared to other chemicals which harms lungs and heart.

• The anti-inflammatory properties of camphor help relieve acne, pimples and boils, while also being beneficial in reducing pain and swelling.

It can be used to treat itchy head, lice-infested hair and dandruff.

It is an excellent cleanser which tones the skin and helps the scars calm that are resulted from burns.

Krishnendu Ayurveda Resort Kerala is one of the best Ayurveda treatment in Kerala, India offers you the best Ayurvedic treatment in India. The leading Ayurvedic resort in Kerala offers you a choice of Ayurveda packages, ayurvedic treatments for various ailments, yoga and meditation courses, wellness treatments, physiotherapy etc. Experience the unmatched  Ayurvedic packages in  Kerala at Krishnendu Ayurveda. 

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Health Benefits Of Spices

According to Ayurveda, poor digestion is the root cause of many disorders. When the food is not digested properly, ama may get build up in the body. Ama is the by-product of poor digestion. It may hamper the flow of nutrients to different parts of the body and flow of toxins or wastes out of the body. Poor digestion may affect the immune system too.

Spices not only give food flavour, but they possess great health benefits or medicinal properties etc. Spices have been used to preserve and flavour foods, prevent and cure diseases and many more. Spices are revered in Ayurveda cuisine since it can enhance digestion. These spices help to remove the ama out of the body. One of the prime uses of spice is it regulates Agni, the digestive fire, thus ensures a proper digestion. Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala suggests adding turmeric, cumin, coriander, fennel, mint, nutmeg black pepper, ginger, fennel, cardamom and cinnamon to your diet to improve the digestion and metabolism.

According to Ayurvedic treatment India, each dosha benefit from different spices.

  Spices for Vata dosha - saffron, cumin, black pepper, fennel, fresh ginger, basil etc

  Spices for Pitta dosha – cinnamon, cardamom, mint, fresh cilantro, coriander, fennel and turmeric

  Spices for Kapha - black pepper, clove, fenugreek seeds, mustard seeds, turmeric, chilli peppers dosha etc.

Krishnendu Ayurveda, the leading ayurvedic treatment centre in Kerala regarded as the best Ayurvedic resorts in Kerala, India. Krishnendu Ayurveda is known for exceptional quality in Ayurveda and medicine.

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6 Health Benefits Of Okra

Okra is commonly known as lady’s finger and it is eaten in salads, stir-fries and stews. According to Ayurvedic treatment India, okra is a powerhouse of nutrients. Okra has many medicinal uses. The top health benefits of okra are

1.    Powerhouse of nutrients
Okra or lady’s finger is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and Vitamin D. It also contains the essential nutrients such as fibre, calcium, zinc, protein, amino acids, proteins, folic acid, flavonoids and iron.

2.    Manage Diabetes
Okra helps to stabilize blood sugar levels by reducing the rate at which sugar is absorbed from the intestinal tract. The peel and seed of okra can lower blood glucose levels. Okra helps to prevent the intestinal breakdown of carbohydrates to glucose by inhibiting the enzyme alpha-glycosidase.

 3.    Stabilizes cholesterol levels
The mucilage present in Okra helps to counter cholesterol and reduce its level in the blood. It also helps to lower the toxin levels in the liver. It supports cholesterol degradation and inhibits the production of fat in the body.

4.    Helps constipation, bloating and gas
The higher percentage of water and bulky fibre in okra helps to prevent constipation, gas and bloating. Okra is a good home remedy for constipation. The fibre of okra has many health benefits such as maintaining the health of the gastrointestinal tract, feeding the good bacteria etc.

5.    Boost immunity
The abundance of antioxidants in okra helps to fight free radicals, which are known to destroy body cells. Okra is rich in Vitamin A and C, these vitamins encourage the production of white blood cells and thus improve the immune system.

6.      Good for eyes
According to Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala, okra improves eyesight. Okra pods are rich in Vitamin A and beta-carotene, both are great nourishment for good eyesight.

The other top health benefits of okra include helps to strengthen bones, prevents excessive bleeding and good for liver health. Ayurveda suggests lady’s finger for its medicinal properties. 

Krishnendu Ayurveda, the known ayurvedic treatment centre in Kerala is rated as the best Ayurvedic resorts in Kerala, India. The Ayurveda resort promising you a complete healing from your various health ailments.

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Top 6 Iron-Rich Food Vegetarian Food Sources

Here is a list of iron-rich vegetarian food sources.

• Curry leaves – It is a rich source of iron and folic acid. It naturally contains both vitamin A and C and can increase iron absorption. It is also good for hair growth, skin health and to prevent anemia.

• Cilantro leaves – It is also high in vitamin A, vitamin C, and iron and is beneficial to fight iron deficiency. Cilantro stems and roots contain dense nutrients.

• Parsley leaves – The herb too contains iron, vitamin A and C. It is also a major detoxifier and supports kidney functions.

• Moringa leaves – The drumstick leaves are valued for their nutrient density. It also contains exceptionally high iron content and is used to treat malnourishment.

• Beetroot – Both beetroot and beet greens contain vitamin A, C, copper, and iron and becomes a great source of absorbent iron.

• Tomatoes – Tomatoes contain vitamin A, C, iron and copper which are favorable nutrients for iron absorption. Sun-dried tomatoes contain the most bioavailable form of iron.

Krishnendu Ayurveda Resort Kerala is one of the best Ayurveda treatment in Kerala, India offers you the best Ayurvedic treatment in India. The leading Ayurvedic resort in Kerala offers you a choice of Ayurveda packages, ayurvedic treatments for various ailments, yoga and meditation courses, wellness treatments, physiotherapy etc. Experience the unmatched  Ayurvedic packages in  Kerala at Krishnendu Ayurveda. 

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5 Healing Ayurvedic Spices to Add to the Pantry

Our kitchen can be considered a mini-clinic that is equipped with medicinal spices that help prevent ailments from pain, indigestion, itching, headaches, etc.

Here are some of the healing Ayurvedic spices to add to your pantry.

• Ajwain seeds – A potential painkiller, it can be used for instantaneous relief from pain. It is also beneficial for bloating, gas and constipation.

• Saffron – Saffron acts on the blood tissue and helps treat headaches. It is also beneficial for the skin, complexion and serves as a key ingredient in natural Ayurvedic beauty regimes.

• Turmeric – Turmeric has an amazing list of benefits which include boosting immunity and acts as a powerful health prevention tool. It purifies the blood. Benefits of the digestive system improve complexion and are also beneficial for itching, swelling, wounds, etc.

• Cumin seeds – The herb help digest existing toxins in the body. It is also an overall digestive aid which helps prevent digestive disorders.

• Nutmeg – It benefits stress and psychological issues and also an anti-diarrheal. Nutmeg is also beneficial for the voice.

Ayurvedic Resorts in Kerala recommends marma as it causes detoxification at all levels. Krishnendu Ayurveda the top Ayurvedic Treatment Centres in Kerala is the right choice for you if you look for healing Ayurveda packages Kerala, India.

9 Warning Signs Your Stress Levels Are Too Much

Does stress play an important role in your life than you would like it to? Nowadays everyone experiences stress in his life. Some stress is actually good, it makes you more productive, but too much stress is harmful. It may affect your wellbeing, both physical and mental health. Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala offers very effective tips to manage your stress. Ayurveda says the top 9 warning signs that your stress levels are too much are
1.    Chest pain and palpitations

2.    Constant tiredness, weakness, and fatigue

3.    Heartburn, stomach pain, nausea etc

4.    Frequent colds, infections, headaches etc.

5.    Increased frustration, irritability levels

6.    Constant worry

7.    Depression

8.    Sudden anger

9.    Lack of concentration

According to Ayurvedic packages Kerala when we are suffering excess stress, many systems like the digestive system, immune system, reproductive system etc. in the body can’t work properly.  Thus over stress affect the physical health. Excess stress negatively impacts our mental health too.
The Ayurveda approach to managing stress is very efficient. Here are some simple tips to manage stress by yourself.

1.    Slow down
Everybody everywhere seems to be busy. One of the best ways to balance your stress is slow down, sit still and take care of yourself. Spend some time for self-nourishment.

2.    Self-care
Practice self-love and self-care. Take adequate rest, follow a balanced diet, do regular exercise and do other self-nourishing practices etc. Do abhyanga, sit in nature, read inspiring books, keep good supportive relationships, take adequate rest, practice nasya and feet massaging are some simple tips to self-care.

3.    Commit to a daily routine
Ayurvedic treatment India recommends a daily routine for everyone. Following a daily routine is a very simple tip to follow to balance the excess stress.

4.    Quiet the mind-body organism
Ayurveda suggests some great therapies such as yoga, meditation, pranayama etc to balance or quiet the mind-body system.

5.    Supportive diet
To balance the overstress your diet needs to be a source of nourishment. Berries, bananas, oranges, amla, coconut water, milk, nuts, chocolate, herbs, and essential oils like sesame & coconut oil are good for balancing stress.

Krishnendu Ayurveda, the top ayurvedic resorts in Kerala known for delivering the best ayurvedic treatments for various ailments. 

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Ayurveda Recommendations To Stay Young

Everyone dream of a healthy and youthful skin. No matter what your age, you can look young by paying much care to your skin. Even though we could not remain young forever but one can maintain to be younger by following a healthy lifestyle. The 4 prime pillars of a healthy and youthful skin are

1.      Skin nourishment

2.     Rehydrate your skin

3.     Detoxification

4.     Stress management

In Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala point of view taking care of these four pillars nourishes your skin and increases Prabha of your skin. You should address these aspects from inside and the outside.

Skin Nourishment
To nourish your skin from the inside, Ayurvedic packages Kerala recommends following a healthy balanced diet for the season and type of body. Add fresh fruits like apple, easily digestible proteins, vegetables especially leafy vegetables and multiple whole grains to your diet.

Rehydrate your skin
Drink plenty of pure water and eat sweet fruits for the internal rehydration. For external rehydration massage your body daily before bath. There are some very effective Ayurveda treatments that can solve all your skin problems.

Do regular exercise, eat more fibrous foods and drink plenty of water.

Stress Management
If you are under continuous stress, it troubles your sleep and causes many health issues. Stress doesn’t make us feel awful emotionally, it has many negative impacts on our body. Stress worsens the risk of conditions like obesity, heart disease, diabetes, depression and asthma.

Krishnendu Ayurveda, a leading Ayurveda Speciality centre the best Ayurvedic resorts in Kerala offers authentic Ayurveda treatments and therapies for various ailments.   

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