5 Easy Home Remedies to Fight Belly Flat

Belly fat is often caused by sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits. The unwanted fat deposits around the abdomen can lead to various diseases. Flabby bellies can hamper self-confidence and tarnish one’s personality.

Including the following habits in the daily routine is highly beneficial for reducing belly fat.

·        Lemon juice and honey – Drink lukewarm water with lemon juice and honey at the start of the day. It helps detoxify the body, strengthens the liver, regulates metabolism and transforms fat into useful energy.

·        Almonds – Soak some almonds in water overnight and eat them the next morning to get essential nutrients like protein, magnesium, vitamin E and fibre.

·        Jeera water – Jeera water is considered an excellent weight loss drink. Soak two teaspoons of jeera or cumin in 100ml of water in a copper vessel overnight. Strain the water and drink in the morning.

·        Triphala – Triphala, the micture of Amalaki, Haritaki and Bibhitaki is an excellent Ayurvedic remedy which helps reduce excessive body fat. It helps keep hunger pangs under control, eliminates the toxins and reduces aggregation of fat.

·        Aloe vera juice – Aloe vera is beneficial for building a healthy digestive system and also maintain a healthy body mass ratio. 

Krishnendu Ayurveda provides the best Ayurvedic packages in Kerala and they offer one of the best Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala. Krishnendu Ayurvedic resorts in Kerala is leading authentic Ayurveda treatment provider in Kerala.

Home Remedies for Relief from Toothache

The most common causes of a toothache are an infection, tooth decay, cracked tooth, gum diseases, etc. A toothache is often triggered by hot, cold or sweet food and rough brushing.

Here are some home remedies to manage a toothache.

•  Clove oil – Applying clove oil or nutmeg oil on the affected area helps relieve the pain.
•  Mustard oil – Treat a toothache and infection by applying a mixture of mustard oil with haldi on the affected part.
•  Black pepper – Mix a pinch of black pepper powder with some clove and apply on the affected area for relief. A mixture of pepper powder and a quarter teaspoon of salt is also beneficial.
•  Peppermint – Boil a cup of water with 5 gm peppermint and a pinch of salt. Drink it to reduce a toothache. Placing dried leaves of peppermint on the affected area also helps ease the pain.
•  Asafoetida – Heat a mixture of grind asafoetida and lemon juice. Soak a cotton ball in this mixture and place it on the affected area.
•  Ice pack – Applying an ice pack to the affected area is also one of the popular ways to manage a toothache.

Are you looking for ayurvedic resorts in Kerala ?.  Krishnendu is one of the best choice for you they provides best ayurvedic treatment in Kerala. They have decades of experience in authentic Ayurvedic treatments and therapies.

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Skincare Tips According To Dosha

Body types according to Ayurveda are categorized into three – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. For maintaining optimum health Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala recommends following a dosha-specific lifestyle routine and dietary habits. Even skin care practice needs to be according to the dominant dosha to maintain a healthy skin.

    Vata skin – Dry and thin skin that is delicate and feels cool to touch is Vata skin. To help retain moisture in the dry skin, Vata skin types need to drink at least two to three litres of water every day and eat juicy fruits. Applying moisturizer after the bath is also recommended.

    Pitta skin – Pitta skin is fair, sensitive and feels warm to touch. It is advised to stay away from excessive heat and direct sunlight. Using cool water to take bath is also beneficial. Applying aloe vera gel also helps calm fiery pitta.

    Kapha skin – Kapha skin is oily, smooth and feels cool to the touch. Regular cleansing is essential to prevent impurities from settling down on the skin. Applying milk on the skin before bed and exfoliating the next day using natural cleansers is ideal.

Krishnendu Ayurvedic Resort and Wellness Center the top-rated Ayurvedic treatment centre Kerala offers you various Ayurveda treatments and therapies for various health conditions. If you are looking for any Ayurveda treatment in Kerala, Krishnendu Ayurveda, the best ayurvedic resorts in Kerala is the right choice for you.

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How Pranayama Helps Control Diabetes

Pranayama constitutes unique breathing techniques that help treat several diseases and lifestyle disorders. Diabetes is one such disorder that can be managed with Pranayama. Ayurvedic treatment India recommends Pranayama to manage diabetes.

 Here is how Pranayama is beneficial in controlling diabetes

    Reduces insulin resistance and blood glucose levels – Slow breathing helps trigger a parasympathetic nervous system response which promotes oxygenation. This leads to the reversal in insulin resistance and decreases blood glucose levels.

    Helps reduce weight and body mass index – Regular practice of breathing exercises is highly effective in reducing weight and body mass index. The diaphragmatic sine wave breathing fills the lungs with fresh oxygen and promotes oxidation to help burn fats and thus controls diabetes.

    Regulates stress, depression and sleep – Pranayama help decrease stress by reducing blood pressure and heart rate by reducing the levels of stress-inducing hormones. In the view of ayurvedic packages Kerala, Pranayama the breathing exercises can stimulate the release of sleep-inducing hormone.

    Improve nervous system function – Dysfunction of the nervous system can lead to obesity, poor heart health, insulin resistance, hypertension, etc. Pranayama can significantly improve cardiac and auto-immune function along with a reduction in heart rate and blood pressure.

Krishnendu Ayurveda, the top ayurvedic resorts in Kerala offers healing ayurvedic treatments for various health conditions like Psoriasis, Obesity, Arthritis, Diabetes, Asthma etc. Known for delivering the best Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala Krishnendu Ayurveda is top-rated in terms of quality, results and serene ambience. 

Iron-Rich Foods That Help Fight Anemia

Iron plays a key role in ensuring the healthy functioning of the body. And any deficiency in iron can cause shortness of breath, headaches, dizziness, low energy levels, anemia, etc.

Here is a list of vegetarian foods to include in the diet for a healthy balance of iron.

•  Legumes – Legumes like beans, peas, and lentils are rich sources of iron. They also contain protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals that are highly beneficial. Eating a cup of cooked lentils daily is highly recommended.

•  Nuts and seeds – The most iron-rich plant sources, nuts and seeds like pumpkin, sesame, flaxseeds, etc. make a great choice for adding iron into the daily diet. It is considered beneficial to consume two tablespoons of seeds every day along with a few nuts.

•  Leafy greens – Leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale, broccoli, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, etc. contain a high amount of iron and fiber.

•  Tomatoes – Sun-dried tomatoes are good sources of iron when compared to raw ones. Tomatoes are also rich in vitamin C which help in the absorption of iron.

•  Coconut – Including fresh coconut or coconut milk in the diet is recommended to provide a good amount of iron, vitamins, and minerals for the body.

Krishnendu Ayurveda provides best Ayurvedic packages in Kerala and they offer one of the best Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala. Krishnendu Ayurvedic resorts in Kerala is leading authentic Ayurveda treatment provider in Kerala.

Benefits Of Yoga In Stress Management

Stress, depression and anxiety have become common lifestyle issues with the onset of a hectic lifestyle. Yoga has been widely accepted as an excellent remedy for stress management and reducing the harmful impacts of stress in the body.

Here is how practising yoga is beneficial for stress management.

    Improved sleep – Insomnia often accompanies high levels of stress and anxiety. Yoga help induces a deep state of relaxation and promotes sound sleep.

    Better concentration – Yogasanas relaxes the body and helps overcome stress, which leads to improved concentration and better focus.

    Increased energy – Pranayama or breathing exercise promote relaxation with slow rhythmic breathing patterns and the inhaling and exhaling techniques.

    Deep relaxation – Practising yoga along with meditation harmonises the mind and promotes deep relaxation which is vital for stress management.

    Inner healing – The yoga postures help build strength in the body while also channelling energy to deal with a situation of crisis or extreme stress.

    Balances body, mind and soul – Breathing exercises and yogasanas helps bring harmony to the body, mind and soul which is essential for maintaining optimum health and to prevent the onset of stress, anxiety and depression.

Krishnendu Ayurveda one of the leading ayurvedic treatment center in Kerala offers complete healing for various ailments and health conditions. The leading Ayurvedic resorts in Kerala is rated as one of the best yoga and meditation center in Kerala.

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Panchakarma Therapies for Stress Management

Stress has become a common lifestyle disease nowadays due to the hectic lifestyle and erratic routine. The adverse effects of stress on the body include build-up of an excess of free radicals which is the root cause of diseases and premature ageing. Ayurveda offers effective remedies to treat stress and to maintain optimum health.s

Here are the Panchakarma therapies recommended for stress management.

Abhyanga – It is the classic Ayurvedic massage using warm medicated oil which helps clear toxins, improves blood circulation and reduces stress.

Nasya – This treatment involves administering medicines through the nasal passages for therapeutic benefits to diseases pertaining to the ear, nose, and throat.

Shirodhara – It is the process of pouring warm oils on the forehead which help stimulate and soothe the hypothalamus, which induces sleep. It also stimulates the vital points in the head and improves blood circulation in the brains, while also reducing the levels of stress hormones.

Pizhichil – Streams of medicated oils are continuously poured on the body accompanied by rhythmic massages. This helps balance the Vata and Kapha while also inducing a deep state of relaxation.

Foot massage – Massaging the feet with medicated oils helps to focus on specific nerve endings in the sole which benefits different organs in the body. Foot massage combined with acupressure is extremely beneficial for reducing stress.

Are you looking for best Ayurvedic resorts in Kerala?. Krishnendu is one of the best choices for you. Krishnendu is a traditional ayurvedic resort in Kerala they provide best ayurvedic packages for all type of illness.

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How Panchakarma Is Beneficial For Psychological Disorders

Ayurveda describes the root cause of psychological disorders as the vitiation of the gunas and doshas. Panchakarma, the five-fold detoxification process in Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala helps balance the aggravated doshas and promotes Sattva Guna.

Here is how Panchakarma can be beneficial for treating psychological disorders.

    Increases ojas – Ojas, the essence of health can only be nourished when the doshas are in balance and in the absence of toxins. Panchakarma promotes a state of harmony to increase production of ojas.

    Balances Vata dosha – Panchakarma decreases the toxins in the system and balances Vata dosha which is considered the root cause of psychological problems.

    Strengthens nervous tissues – The medicated oils used in the Panchakarma strengthen the nerve tissues, reduces the impact of stress and anxiety and helps prevent degeneration.

    Rejuvenates the nervous system – The massages, fomentation and enemas in the Panchakarma process helps restore the normal functions of the nervous system and rejuvenates it.

    Enhances Sattva – The Ayurvedic lifestyle recommended will help cultivate the Sattva guna and reduces the impact of tamas and rajas. 

Krishnendu Ayurveda, the top ayurvedic resorts in Kerala, India offers you various ayurvedic treatments, Panchakarma therapies, yoga and meditation courses, wellness treatments, physiotherapy treatments, stress management programs etc. Located at Alappuzha, Kerala this Wellness Health Resort offers you Kerala Ayurveda rejuvenation packages for your wellbeing. Experience the holistic healing power of Ayurveda at Krishnendu Ayurveda Hospital.

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How Yoga Benefits the Body, Mind and Soul

Ayurveda recommends yoga as an integral part of dinacharya or the daily regime to help prevent disease and to maintain optimum health.

Below listed are the benefits of practising yoga daily.

• Fitness – Yoga can be considered a holistic fitness package which improve health, promotes physical strength and help detoxify the body.

• Weight loss – Yogasanas like Surya Namaskar and Kapalbhati pranayama are highly beneficial for weight loss. Also regular practice of yoga helps one become more sensitive to the kind of food the body needs.

• Stress relief – Yoga is highly beneficial in releasing the stress that is accumulated in the body and mind. Along with pranayama and meditation, it becomes a highly effective stress buster.

• Inner peace – Yoga encourages to peace within one’s self while also teaching to calm a disturbed mind.

• Strengthens immunity – Yoga creates a unique balance between the body, mind and soul for improved immunity, It also strengthens the bones and muscles while the breathing exercise help relieve stress and boost immunity.

• Better flexibility and good posture – As yoga is beneficial for stretching the body and toning the muscles, it helps improve the body posture, while also preventing and relieving body pain.

• Increased energy – Yoga is an excellent energy booster and keeps both the body and mind fresh. 

Krishnendu is one of the top ayurvedic resort in kerala. Krishnendu offer best ayurvedic treatment in kerala and provide authentic ayurvedic packages in kerala.

For more Details: https://krishnendu.org/

Best Natural Cough Remedies

In general cough is normal which helps to clear out irritants and infections from the body. But a consistent cough can be a symptom of any other diseases so it has to be treated. The most common possible causes of a cough include allergies, acid reflux and infections. Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala recommends natural remedies for persistent coughing. Here is a list some of the best natural remedies for cough.
1.    Pippali powder with honey
2.    Licorice root powder
3.    Betel leaves
4.    Butea leaves
5.    Garlic
6.    Honey
7.    Bromelain
8.    Peppermint
9.    Marshmallow
10.    Thyme
11.    Salt and water gargle

Ayurvedictreatment India advice to Take some necessary steps to prevent coughing such as avoid come in contact with others who are sick, cover your nose when you cough, hygienity, stay hydrated.

Are you looking for the best ayurvedic resorts in Kerala, Krishnendu Ayurveda is the right choice for you.

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Food Combinations to Avoid to Prevent Diseases

According to Ayurveda, food combinations should be considered for healthy digestion, as foods that need different digestive environments should be eaten separately.

Here are some harmful food combinations that should be avoided.

• Eating fruit with a meal – Eating fruits with other foods is not ideal as it will delay the sugar in the fruits to digest quickly and avoid fermentation which causes gas.

• Liquids and solids – Liquids pass instantly into the intestines taking the digestive enzymes. And hence it is recommended not to have liquid with solids.

• Banana and milk – Banana and milk is considered one of the heaviest combination which also produces toxins. It can create a heaviness in the body and can also slow the mind.

• Tulsi and milk – It is recommended not have milk along with tulsi capsules or tablets. A gap of at least 30 minutes between the two is necessary.

• Green tea and milk – Flavonoids in tea is beneficial for heart health. But their benefits are effected when combined with the proteins in the milk. 

Krishnendu is one of the top ayurvedic resort in kerala. Krishnendu offer best ayurvedic treatment in kerala and provide authentic ayurvedic packages in kerala.

For more Details: https://krishnendu.org/

Home Remedies To Manage Headache According To Dominant Dosha

Ayurveda attributes to the root cause of most pains including headaches as vitiated Vata Dosha. But headaches can also be caused by the aggravated Pitta or Kapha doshas. Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala focuses on a personalised approach to cater to the dosha type involved and thus to provide an effective solution.

Here are some home remedies according to different type of headaches caused by specific doshas.

    Vata headache – Exhaustion, stress and lack of sleep usually causes headaches which involves Vata dosha. Boil water with a teaspoon of powdered haritaki and drink this mixture before bed at night. Putting a few drops of warm sesame oil in the nostrils is also beneficial.

    Pitta headache – Pitta headaches present with symptoms like dizziness, sever pain, discomfort to light exposure and burning sensation. Massaging coconut oil on the scalp provides quick relief. Putting a few drop of Brahmi ghee in the nostrils also help subside the impact.

    Kapha headache – Nasal congestion can cause Kapha headaches and will present with a dull and painful phase which worsens over time. Jal neti with saltwater helps reduce the blockage and provides relief from headache. Inhaling eucalyptus steam is also beneficial. 

Krishnendu Ayurveda, the leading ayurvedic resorts in Kerala have a rich tradition of Ayurveda offers you various ayurvedic treatment, therapies, physiotherapy treatment, wellness packages, meditation courses etc. The top-rated Ayurvedic treatment centre Kerala let you experience a relaxation from all your health and mental illnesses.

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Home Remedies to Manage Cervical Pain

Pain in the cervical region or the neck is a common health problem encountered by many. Injury, bad posture, obesity, age and sedentary lifestyle are some of the commonly seen causes for neck pain. Chronic pain in the cervical region can also be an indication of cervical spondylosis.

Here are some of the natural ways to manage cervical pain.

Light exercise – Cervical pain can also arise from the lack of exercise which can lead to pain and sickness around the neck and shoulder. Rotating the head clockwise and counter clockwise for a specific number of times is beneficial.

Turmeric – Anti-inflammatory properties of the turmeric help increase blood circulation while also reducing muscle stiffness and pain. Turmeric can be taken with hot milk or mixed with honey and consumed daily.

Massage – Massaging the neck and surrounding muscles help ease tension and prevent joint stiffness. This also help decrease the chance of straining the muscles.

Hot and cold compress – Alternating between hot and cold compress is ideal for easing neck pain. Hot compress help improve circulation and relax the sore muscles, while cold compress help reduce inflammation and swelling.

Epsom salt bath – Magnesium present in epsom salt help regulate the pH levels in the body which helps to reduce stiffness and inflammation. Add 2 cups of epsom salt to warm bath water and bath with it to ease the symptoms of cervical pain.

Krishnendu ayurveda is one of the leading Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala that offer quality Ayurveda packages in Kerala. Krishnendu provide ayurvedic treatment for back pain,neck pain,cervical pain etc. Krishnendu have experienced staffs and doctors and it is one of the best Ayurvedic resorts in Kerala.

Ayurvedic Lifestyle Recommended To Beat Stress

Stress is a common problem owing to the hectic lifestyle of modern times. Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala regards the lack of a regular routine as a contributing factor to stress. This is considered to help balance the vitiated doshas, regulate the biological clock and promote calmness and happiness, leading to reduced stress.

Take note of the Ayurvedic lifestyle mentioned below to avoid stress.

    Wake up early – The body’s biological clock is tuned to the rising and setting of the sun and hence waking up with the rising sun is extremely beneficial. This relaxes the mind and freshens up the senses.

    Practice Pranayama – Pranayama or the breathing exercises is extremely beneficial in cleansing the body of impurities. It is also an excellent physical and mental exercise which helps release stress and tension while aiding in deep relaxation.

    Do Abhyanga – Ayurvedic oil massage daily is an age-old Ayurvedic technique to beat stress. Regular self-massage awakens the senses, rejuvenates the body and delays ageing.

    Practice Surya Namaskar – Performing Surya Namaskar daily is an excellent exercise regime to follow for reducing stress levels. It improves strength and endurance while also boosting blood circulation. This in turn promotes relaxation and an overall well-being.

It is recommended to follow an Ayurvedic lifestyle to combat stress.

Krishnendu Ayurveda, the top ayurvedic resorts in Kerala is rated as the pioneers in ayurvedic treatments and therapies. The leading Ayurvedic treatment centre Kerala which is having an unmatched experience over a century is the right choice for you if you are looking for healing treatments or rejuvenating ayurvedic packages.  

To Know More  https://krishnendu.org/

4 Home Remedies to Control Uric Acid

Uric acid is a common problem for both men and women, main reasons for the uric acid problem is our  new food  culture and lack of excise.

Here Are Some Home Remedies May Help You Control High Levels Of Uric Acid:

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Mix one teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and drink this every day that will help you to reduce the uric acid level in your body. Apple cider vinegar acts like a natural cleanser and detoxifier. Apple cider vinegar  contains malic acid which helps in breaking down and removing uric acid from the body.

2.Lime juice

Lime juice is very useful for controlling uric acid level,Drink lime water  at least twice a day to flush out the excess uric acid. Lime juice contains citric acid which helps in dissolving the uric acid level in your body. You should also eat foods rich in Vitamin C like  guava amla and oranges.

3.Celery seeds

Celery seeds are contains rich in Omega-6 fatty acids and other diuretic oils. As a powerful diurectic, Celery seeds helps to cleanthe system of excess liquids by stimulating the kidneys to flush out the uric acid in your body.

4.High fibre-foods

You should add more high-fibre foods to your diet in order to control the level of uric acid in blood. Dietary fibre absorbs the excess uric acid in your blood and helps it to get eliminated from your body.                                                                                   

Krishnendu ayurvedic resort in kerala provide ayurvedic packages and ayurvedic treatment in Kerala. Ayurvedic packages in Kerala offer best ayurvedic packages for various diseases. Krishnendu  is one of the best authentic ayurvedic centre in Kerala.                                                        

Home Remedies for Conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis is a common eye condition caused by the inflammation of the conjunctiva. Allergic reactions to dust, pollens, chemicals or viral and bacterial infection can be the root cause of it.

Here are some home remedies to manage conjunctivitis.

•  Wash eyes with water that is filtered after soaking triphala powder overnight.
•  Dip a neat piece of cloth in a mixture of turmeric and water and let it dry. Wipe the affected area of the eyes with this cloth to reduce infection.
•  Drink amla juice mixed with honey twice daily for quick healing.
•  Put a few drops of coconut oil in the eyes and rest for some time to reduce the irritation in the eyes.
•  For a soothing effect on the eyes, place a cucumber slice over the eyelid.
•  Place a neat cloth dipped in cold water on the affected eye for relief from pain and irritation.
•  Wipe eyes with a cotton ball dipped in some goat’s milk to heal quickly.
•  Apply a paste of neem leaves externally over the eyelids to reduce the pain.

Krishnendu Ayurveda Resort Kerala is one of the best Ayurveda treatment  in Kerala, India offers you the best Ayurvedic treatment in India. The leading Ayurvedic resort in Kerala offers you a choice of Ayurveda packages, ayurvedic treatments for various ailments, yoga and meditation courses, wellness treatments, physiotherapy etc. Experience the unmatched  Ayurvedic packages in  Kerala at Krishnendu Ayurveda. 

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Top 5 Foods Recommended to Promote Digestion

Modern lifestyle is ridden with unhealthy food habits and excessive consumption of fast and processed foods. Ensuring a healthy diet is important to strengthen the digestive system and to enhance nutrient absorption.

Below is the list of foods that help improve digestive health.

•  Apple – Apples contain vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber that help promote digestive health. Also the antioxidant property of the fruit is effective in reducing inflammation of the digestive organs.

•  Cucumber – It has also a rich fiber content which helps prevent constipation and promotes smooth bowel movements. The antioxidants present in it prevent toxic accumulation, while also preventing indigestion and stomach infections.

•  Papaya – The elements present in the fruit contain antimicrobial properties which also aids in digestion and breaking down of food. Papaya is also a rich source of Vitamins A, B and C that promote healthy elimination of toxins.

•  Bananas – Bananas contain fiber and pectin that help improve bowel movement and promotes digestion of carbohydrates.

•  Ginger – The spice is highly recommended for digestive health and has a positive effect on the enzymes that breaks down proteins and fats. 

Krishnendu is one of the top ayurvedic resort in kerala. Krishnendu offer best ayurvedic treatment in kerala and provide authentic ayurvedic packages in kerala.

For more Details: https://krishnendu.org/

Health Benefits of Amla

Amla is widely used as an ingredient in Ayurveda due to the many health benefits it offer. Also considered as an Ayurvedic superfood, Amla is therapeutic to health conditions too.

·        Aids in digestion – Helps strengthen then the digestive process by kindling the digestive fire. The cooling energy help flush out excess heat through the bowel.

·        Detoxification – Amla is rich in antioxidants, which supports healthy elimination, digestion and circulation.

·        Healthy blood sugar levels – It stimulates microcirculation and thus boosts healthy blood sugar levels. Being diuretic in nature, amla also boosts healthy excretion of urine which in turn regulated the blood sugar levels.

·        Boosts immunity – The rich content of antioxidants and vitamins help reduces the damage to the cells by the free radicals and strengthens immunity.

·        Strengthens bones – Rich in calcium, amla is highly beneficial for bone health. It also increase calcium absorption for health of bones, teeth, nails and hair.

·        Healthy hair – Amla is an excellent tonic to boost hair health. It helps nourish the hair follicles and strengthens the hair roots, while also improving lustre.

Krishnendu is one of the best ayurvedic resorts in kerala. They have decades of experience in authentic ayurvedic treatments in kerala. Krishnendu provide best ayurvedic treatments in kerala and they provide best ayurvedic packages in kerala.

Ayurveda and Gastritis

Ayurved defines gastritis as Urdhva Amlapitta in which amla means sour and pitta indicates the dosha involved. Pitta dosha which rests in the stomach can get vitiated due to improper dietary habits which in turn results in the production of toxins and excessive secretion of digestive enzymes which causes gastritis. Ayurvedic management of Gastritis involves restoring the digestive fire through a Pitta-pacifying diet and cooling herbal preparations.

Ayurvedic recommendations to manage gastritis

• 8-9 glasses of water should be taken daily to relax the stomach and flush out the toxins.
• Prefer juicy fruits like grapes, apples, oranges, water melons etc.
• Restrict coffee and carbonated or alcoholic drinks.
• Avoid fermented and processed foods.
• Limit sour, salty and spicy foods
• Regular exercise and Pranayama is recommended
• Intermittent fasting to help rejuvenate the digestive system.

Krishnendu Ayurveda Resort Kerala is one of the best Ayurveda treatment  in Kerala, India offers you the best Ayurvedic treatment in India. The leading Ayurvedic resort in Kerala offers you a choice of Ayurveda packages, ayurvedic treatments for various ailments, yoga and meditation courses, wellness treatments, physiotherapy etc. Experience the unmatched  Ayurvedic packages in  Kerala at Krishnendu Ayurveda.

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