Best Tips And Remedies For Hyperpigmentation In Ayurveda

Hyperpigmentation is a skin condition caused due to the presence of excess melanin pigment by which dark patches appear on certain areas of the skin. It may not be referred to as a disease, but it certainly affects the self-esteem of a person. It can be caused due to the internal imbalances or external factors like exposure to sun, wounds etc. The following can help you prevent pigmentation at home:
    Avoid direct sunlight exposure and cover your eyes with sunglasses and wear light-colored clothes during sunny days.
    Hydrate your skin by drinking a good amount of water as dehydration leads to pigmentation
    Quit smoking
    Sleep for 7-8 hours and relax, as stress can affect the health of the skin
    Cleanse your skin at least twice a day to remove all the dirt and dead skin.
    Use good herbal and natural products for your skin
    Exfoliate your skin one or twice a week and moisturize your skin with Aloe Vera
    Use natural bleaches like lemon and honey for a healthy glowing skin
Ayurvedic treatment India recommends herbal or natural products for your skin as it is very sensitive. Chamomile, Witch Hazel,  Aloe Vera, Calendula,  Lavender like natural herbs are good for your skin.
Krishnendu Ayurveda, one of the top Ayurvedic resorts in Kerala offer alternative cleansing therapies from around the world. Looking for the best Kerala Ayurveda rejuvenation packages, Krishnendu Ayurveda is the right choice for you.

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Ayurvedic Treatment Tips For Anorexia

In Ayurveda point of view,  Anorexia is a condition in which a person suffers from loss of appetite and when it turns to an eating disorder, it is referred to as Anorexia Nervosa. Those who suffer from such disorders, they lose interest in eating and try all possible ways to stay away from food. It may be due to fear of being obese, stomach upsets, unhealthy eating habits, indigestion, stress etc. This can be a temporary condition and mild anorexia can also be treated at home. Here are few ayurvedic tips to manage Anorexia:

    Ginger is a great source for solving indigestion and appetite-related problem and also helps in stimulating taste buds.

    Add cardamom in tea, foods and beverages as it is well said to help mental stress and depression.

    Take out time for yourself to relax and do things that you enjoy the most. It will help you relieve all the unwanted stress and tensions.

    Have a proper meal plan

    Avoid junk food and eating from restaurants.

    Meditate or exercise regularly.

    Sleep for at least 7-8 hours for a healthy mind and body.

Ayurvedic treatment India recommends to follow a healthy lifestyle and intake healthy herbs to treat the diseased condition.

Krishnendu Ayurveda is one of the best Ayurvedic resorts in Kerala and is also considered as the best ayurvedic treatment center in India. The Ayurveda hospital offers a choice of Ayurvedic treatments, therapies, wellness packages, panchakarma treatments etc.

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Best Natural Remedies for Muscle Ache

Muscle aches or pain are not to be neglected or waited till it passes. One must treat it at the initial stage before it gets worse. Having painkillers and other effective pills can be a relief for just time being but has many side effects in the long run. Hence it’s suggested to take care of your muscles with the help of few of the ayurvedic natural remedies.

• Take a hot bath after your regular exercising as it helps to remove metabolic wastes and increases the circulation.

• Get massages from experts to reduce inflammation and speed muscle recovery.

• A few drops of peppermint or rosemary essential oil helps to relieve muscle cramps.

• Ginger has all the effective nutrients to heal muscle aches

• Take salt water baths as they promote healing of torn muscles.

• Bananas can help reduce cramps in muscles if caused by the deficiency of potassium.

• Keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water to sweat the pain away

Krishnendu Ayurveda, one of the best ayurvedic resorts in Kerala offers healing Ayurvedic treatment India and therapies from around the world. You can experience the healing power of Kerala Ayurveda rejuvenation packages at Krishnendu Ayurveda.

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5 Must-Have Ayurvedic Herbs In Your Kitchen

The cure of several common ailments is found in your kitchen itself. Fewer efforts to need to just choose the right herb to fix any kind of common cold or headaches. Here is a list of 5 most essential ayurvedic herbs that must be available in your kitchen due to its immense health benefits and ailment healing properties. It can be used in regular cooking and also to treat your ailment at home.

1.    Ginger
It is a major ingredient in many curries and soups. The medicinal value is well-known and is used for relief from headaches, reducing joint pain, nausea and vomiting or even indigestion.

2.    Carom seeds
The herb Carom seed or Ajwain in Ayurveda beneficial in stimulating appetite, improving digestion acting as a cleanser. And it can help in treating respiratory problems, asthma and cold.

3.    Turmeric
The innumerable health benefits and healing properties of this Ayurveda is well-known. An anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial herb which is excellent in preventing infection and treating wounds. It is also important for the health of our liver.

4.    Basil leaves
In Ayurveda, basil leaves or tulsi are used for their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Its antiseptic property helps in healing wounds or stitches. It is also used to treat chest congestions and cure for phlegm during cold.

5.    Amla
As it is well-known, the Indian Gooseberry most importantly helps to keep the liver functioning at balanced levels. It supports healthy metabolism and healthy immune system.

Krishnendu Ayurveda, one of the top Ayurvedic resorts in Kerala recommends adding healthy ayurvedic herbs to your diet for its health benefits.

Krishnendu Ayurveda, the best Ayurvedic treatment centre Kerala offers a choice of Ayurveda therapies, treatments, Ayurveda packages Kerala, Panchakarma treatments etc.

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Ear Care In Ayurveda India

The ear is an important part of our body which helps in two vital needs of our body; the sense of hearing and the sense of equilibration and motion. Any discomfort or trouble felt in the ear is to be treated and taken care of using preventive measures as the ear is an important and delicate organ in our body. Difficult to hear things clearly and ringing in the ear are some symptoms of ear diseases. Ayurveda provides you with effective tips to treat and prevent various ear diseases. There are very effective Ayurveda treatment India for ear ailments.

    Earache: Consult a physician and know the cause of the pain. General causes are due to inflammation in the middle ear or due to boils or eczema etc. The pain can also be treated at home using garlic and edible oil.

    Ringing (Tinnitus): It is a kind of noise heard without any external cause. Ringing is a noise heard in the ear without an external cause. It can also be accompanied by discharge of some part of the ear and is difficult to treat. But in some cases, it is caused due to the accumulation of ear wax which can be cured by removing the wax.

Krishnendu Ayurveda, one of the known Ayurvedic resorts in Kerala offers healing Ayurvedic treatment India for various ailments including eye care, glaucoma, skin issues, thyroid, diabetes, obesity etc.  Experience the healing power of traditional Ayurveda by booking for Ayurvedic packages Kerala offered at Krishnendu Ayurveda.

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5 Ways To A Youthful Mind Power At Any Age

Your mind plays a crucial role in whatever you do in life. It controls and manages all the other bodily functions or systems. Ayurveda gives you tips to calm the mind in stressful situations can be effective in enhancing problem-solving ability, memory retention, and recall.  People of all ages who use their minds at school or on the job would want to feel fatigue-free and fresh. For better mental performance the mind has to be pushed to expand to its full potential. The basic nutritional habits and quality sleep with proper regular exercise can help you to enrich your mind in a safe and natural manner.

1. Eat fresh and homely foods and avoid preserved and packaged foods that may contain unwanted substances that affect the proper functioning of the body.

2. Include all the essential nutrients in your daily diet helping your mind to absorb all the essential nutrients required.

3. Take antioxidant type foods like blueberries, amla or Amrit as they are considered powerful for the brain.

4. Get your sleep hours right because your mind and body need the needed rest and to perform better, sleep is mandatory. Sleep is a basic building block for a healthy mind and body.

5. Meditate and find ways to relax your mind from stress as it generates a negative impact on mental health performance.

Krishnendu Ayurveda, one of the top names in ayurvedic resorts in Kerala equipped with highly qualified and experienced doctors offering healing traditional Ayurveda treatments Kerala for various ailments such as skin diseases, arthritis, psoriasis, varicose vein, depression etc. The Ayurveda packages Kerala offered at Krishnendu Ayurveda let you heal from your ailments & relax in a positive environment. 

Allergens And Ayurveda

Allergens can be of various forms like dust mite excretion, pollen, pet dander etc. and other food allergens. In the view of Ayurvedic treatment center Kerala India, there are two categories of allergen reactions. One is the type that the person’s genetic predisposition or what one is born with and the second type includes seasonal reactions or sensitiveness that one has acquired over his lifetime.

The genetic allergen type can be a reaction to certain foods or to certain allergens in the environment. It is caused by unsuitable influences. The same influences might be fine for other people, but for some persons, specific foods and other environmental allergens cause a reaction. The Ayurvedic treatment India will vary according to the specific imbalance causing the problem.

On the other hand, seasonal allergies are easier to treat by few home remedies which may be an excellent alternative to the conventional allergy medications, which may cause drowsiness or other side effects. Some remedies are:

    Saline Nasal Rinse

    Inhaling steam of essential oils

    A spoon of honey every day

Krishnendu Ayurveda the Ayurvedic treatment centre Kerala is there in the list of top ayurvedic resorts in Kerala, India.

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How To Treat Period Cramps Effectively

Yes, it is painful! Menstrual cramps can be described as a sort of throbbing feeling from deep inside. According to Ayurvedic treatment India, Pre-menstrual Syndrome is not considered as a disease, but, a symptom of ‘Doshic’ imbalance, and it will vary for person to person and it can be classified according to those doshas. In simpler terms, your body also matters while treating your period cramps. Treat them effectively using the following tips and feel relaxed when on your period.

    Brewing up a cup of warm ginger tea will help reduce the cramps gradually

    Try having cherries or figs on empty stomach before on period starts

    Various Ayurvedic herbs in tea or hot water can help in reducing mood swings and  soothing the minds

    Keep your meals light while you experience symptoms. Avoid foods that make you feel heavy.

    Eat food which is warm, or at least at room temperature

    Keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

    Try to exercise at least for 30 minutes as it helps to balance out the hormonal levels

    Breathing exercises and relaxing yoga poses are also beneficial.

Krishnendu Ayurveda, one of the top Ayurvedic resorts in Kerala known for the best Ayurveda packagesin India.  

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How To Prevent Excessive Sweating

Sweating hard after a run can be exhausting, but it's surely giving your body a healthy boost. Yes, surprisingly sweating is a sign of a good and healthy body. For athletes, it’s a sign of working their body out to the best level. Sweat has various benefits from physical aspects to emotional levels. It is a process by which your body is trying to balance out and regulate the water and mineral content by maintaining the body temperature and removing toxins from the system through your skin. All these actions being carried out by the sweat glands.

Even though people are more likely to sweat the most during summer, exercise, and fever, some people sweat due to their natural composition. Stress, anxiety, obesity, alcohol consumption, hyperthyroidism, menopause etc. are other few factors that lead to excessive sweating.

But to get through those embarrassing sweaty situation, we have through remedies and treatments using herbs like:

1.    Sage

2.    Horsetail

3.    Valerian

4.    Tormentil root

5.    Oak bark

6.    Witch hazel

7.    Walnut leaves

8.    Eucalyptus

9.    Nettle leaves

10.    Strawberry leaves

11.    Dried hops

12.    Rose

13.    Strawberry

14.    Astragalus

15.    Schisandra Berry

16.    Lavender

17.    Orange oil

Krishnendu Ayurveda is one of the best ayurvedic resorts in Kerala for various ailments such as psoriasis, asthma, thyroid, diabetes, obesity, arthritis etc. The ayurvedicwellness centre Kerala offers you a choice of Ayurveda treatments, therapies and Ayurveda packages Kerala for you. The well qualified & experienced doctors at Krishnendu Ayurveda offer a wide range of wellness regimes prescribed by traditional Ayurveda practices.

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5 Essential Oils For Skin Rejuvenation

In Ayurveda point of view, skin reflects the inner health. It is very important to understand that skin ailment are not caused by an issue on just the surface of the skin rather it reflects hidden imbalances within the body. The Ayurveda Treatments Kerala for skin care is designed to identify and treat the root cause of skin issues.

Essential oils are an important part of aromatherapy in Ayurveda. Aromatherapy is a type of alternative medicine practice using aromatic essential oils that are derived from a variety of healing plants. These oils come with amazing health benefits ranging from relieving stress to skin rejuvenation.

Here is a list of 6 essential oils for skin rejuvenation

1.    Lavender essential oil
The health benefits of lavender essential oil include good for stress, relieve pain, improve blood circulation, good for respiratory issues etc. It is excellent for the skin too.

2.    Rose Essential oil
The rose essential has many health properties like the antidepressant, astringent, bactericidal, depurative, emmenagogue, antiseptic, laxative, nervine, stomachic etc. Ayurveda packages Kerala for skin care recommends rose essential oil for dry & ageing skin.

3.    Tea Tree Essential oil
The tea tree essential oil possesses antibacterial, antiseptic, antimicrobial, expectorant, antiviral properties. Tea tree essential oil is used for skin and hair care for its numerous health benefits.

4.    Primrose essential oil
The healthy fats present in this essential do miracles for the skin. This essential oil is used for the treatment of various skin problems including acne, dark pigmentation, rashes, dry skin etc.

5.    Myrrh Essential oil
The essential oil of myrrh is extracted from resin and the oil has many health benefits. When it comes to skincare, this oil greatly benefits the ageing skin. The anti-inflammatory property of Myrrh essential oil helps improve skin tone and skin elasticity. It is used to heal sun damage, rashes, eczema etc.

Krishnendu Ayurveda is one of the top Ayurvedic resorts in Kerala is known for the best Ayurveda treatments for various health ailments in India.

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Self-Care Guide: Mind

Here are some Ayurveda tips to improve your brain power.

1.    Eat well

2.    Maintain a supply of balanced nutrition

3.    Harness the power of antioxidants

4.    Aromatherapy

5.    Manage stress levels

6.    Get enough sleep

7.    Ayurvedic herbs

8.    Mind games

9.    Amp up your memory

10.    Daily exercise

11.    Meditation

12.    Yoga

13.    Do something new

14.    Get organised

Ayurvedic treatment India considers the powerful influence of mind on our overall health & wellbeing. Ayurveda provides an elegant perspective on mind and the taking care of its health.

Krishnendu Ayurveda is one of the top Ayurvedic resorts in Kerala India benefits from the ageless wisdom and experience of helping people relieve stress and rediscover happiness in their life. The top ayurveda treatment centre offers the best ayurveda packages Kerala

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7 Day Healthy Breakfast Plan

This Healthy breakfast plan contains general ideas for a protein-rich healthy breakfast. Include your favourite vegetables or fruits that work with your constitution and liking.

Healthy Breakfast Plan: Day 1

· 1 Stewed Apple
· 2 Mung bean pancakes
· 1 cup almond milk

cooked apples have increased digestibility

Healthy Breakfast Plan: Day 2

· 1 sliced banana
· 1 whole wheat burrito with black beans and egg whites
· 1 cup green tea

Healthy Breakfast Plan: Day 3

· 1 cup spiced poha
· 1 cup cooked vegetable
· 1 Mint tea

Poha is a healthy and delicious dish.

Healthy Breakfast Plan: Day 4

· 1 stewed pear
· 2 spiced zucchini fritters
· 1 cup soy milk

Healthy Breakfast Plan: Day 5
· 1 sliced banana
· 1 cup spiced oatmeal
· 1 cup cumin water

Healthy Breakfast Plan: Day 6

· 1 cup berries
· 2 sun-dried tomato and basil frittatas
· 1 cup ginger tea

Healthy Breakfast Plan: Day 7

· 1 whole grain bread
· Mango chutney
· 1 cup spiced tea

Krishnendu Ayurveda, one of the top-rated ayurvedic resorts in Kerala offers excellent ayurvedic treatments Kerala and therapies for various ailments. Looking for the best Ayurveda treatment centre in Kerala Krishnendu Ayurveda is the right choice for you.

8 Health Benefits Of Pizhichil

Pizhichil is an Ayurvedic massage where the whole body is bathed in streams of lukewarm oil in sync with simultaneous soft massage. The massage combined with the fomentation induced by the lukewarm oil enhance the benefits of the treatment.

Below listed are some of the health benefits provided by Pizhichil.

1.    Promotes blood circulation

2.    Strengthens immune system

3.    Boosts immunity

4.    Rejuvenates and detoxifies the body

5.    Alleviates stress, anxiety and tension

6.    Improves skin quality

7.    Therapeutic to arthritis, rheumatic problems and paralysis

8.    Helps in the treatment of diabetes and asthma

Krishnendu Ayurveda, one of the top-rated ayurvedic resorts in Kerala offers you a choice of Ayurveda therapies, wellness packages, panchakarma treatments, Ayurveda treatments Kerala etc.  Experience the exceptional healing power of Ayurveda, Ayurveda packages Kerala at Krishnendu Ayurveda the top Ayurvedic treatment centre in Kerala India.

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10 Benefits Of Foot Massage

Ayurveda regards foot care as of importance while taking care of the human body. The ancient wisdom considers the foot to be an important motor organ and that like a tree which requires nourishment for the roots, the foot should also be taken care of to nurture the body. Foot massage is an Ayurveda therapy where medicated oils are used to massage the feet for various health benefits and for holistic wellness.

Here are some benefits of doing a foot massage.

1.    Alleviates stiffness, numbness and roughness of foot and leg

2.    Strengthens the foot

3.    Balances Vata dosha

4.    Prevents cracks in the foot

5.    Improves blood circulation

6.    Heals vital points in the body

7.    Soothes nerves

8.    Promotes good sleep

9.    Reduces stress and anxiety

10.    Relieves hypertension

Krishnendu Ayurveda the best Ayurvedic resorts in Kerala offers exceptional
Ayurveda treatments Kerala for various health ailments including stress, hypertension,
obesity, diabetes, psoriasis depression, asthma etc. Experience the healing power of
ancient Ayurveda, Ayurveda packages Kerala at Krishnendu Ayurveda.

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Summer season is considered a peak time for skin problems due to the onset of harsh weather conditions. The excess sweat during the season often results in rashes, irritation, wrinkled skin, skin damage, dull skin, tan, etc.

Following are some Ayurvedic herbs recommended for preventing skin problems in summer.

1.    Sandalwood – Highly recommended for keeping the skin cool during summer, improving skin clarity and to protect skin from germ build-up.

2.    Aloe vera – Advised for keeping the skin hydrated, cool and soft.

3.    Triphala – Helps eliminate excess heat from the body and promotes skin’s natural healing

4.    Vetiver – Anti-microbial, skin coolant, prevents bad body odour

5.    Neem – Removes toxins from blood when applied on the skin and has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

Krishnendu Ayurveda top ayurveda hospital, ayurvedic resorts in Kerala benefits from the ageless experience of healing people from their various health ailments rated as the best choice of Ayurvedic treatment centre Kerala India. The ayurvedic packages Kerala prescribed here are designed to rejuvenate the entire being.  

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Toxins tend to get accumulated in our body over time and it is vital to eliminate them to maintain optimum health. Having foods with cleansing properties is the easiest method to ensure that your body is cleansed of toxins and impurities. Foods that are packed with nutrients, vitamins and minerals are essential to maintain the body healthy.

Following are the top 5 body cleansing foods one must eat for good health.

1. Apples – Helps cleanse liver and kidneys, maintains digestive health

2.    Broccoli – Rich source of calcium and eliminates unwanted contaminants

3.  Blueberries – Contains plenty of antioxidants and helps recharge detoxifying enzymes

4. Papaya – Great source of antioxidants and Vitamin A, C and E

5. Prunes – Excellent colon cleansers and promotes digestive health

Krishnendu Ayurveda a speciality centre of Ayurveda, Ayurvedic resorts in Kerala promising you holistic healing Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala for various health ailments including diabetes, eye care, glaucoma, thyroid, obesity, arthritis, varicose veins, asthma, depression, migraine, skin care etc. The Ayurvedic packages Kerala offered here is designed for your wellbeing according to your need and time.