5 Essential Nutrients Every Woman Needs

Women don’t take your health for granted. According to Ayurvedic treatment India, every woman should ensure that these nutrients are a regular part of your diet.

1.    Calcium
Calcium is the most important and plentiful mineral for the human body. It helps in building strong bones and teeth. Sufficient levels of calcium in the body over a lifetime helps to prevent Osteoporosis. Calcium helps to squeeze & relaxing muscles and keeping a normal heartbeat. Women have a tendency to suffer from weak bones especially as they age, so Calcium is the most important nutrient to them. Studies say that calcium is very effective in reducing PMS symptoms like depression, fatigue, edema and pain in the woman.

Sources of calcium: Dairy products, dark leafy greens, broccoli, almonds, spinach, soybeans, orange juice, oatmeal etc

2.    Folic acid
Folic acid helps in building new tissues and cells. It is very important for pregnant women. Folic acid is crucial for proper brain functioning and which plays an important role in one’s mental and emotional health. Ayurvedic packages Kerala suggest adding folic acid rich food to your diet. Folic acid deficiency can cause poor growth, tongue inflammation, loss of appetite, diarrhea, irritability etc.

Sources: Lentils, avocado, dark leafy greens, cereals, beans, pasta etc

3.    Iron
The health benefits of iron mainly include providing life-giving oxygen to organ systems through its prime role in red blood cell production. Ayurvedic packages consider the health benefits of iron like boosts hemoglobin formation, improves muscle function, brain functioning, helps to regulate body temperature, treats anemia, neurotransmitter synthesis, eliminates fatigue, boosts immunity and supports organ systems.

Sources of iron: Beans, dark leafy greens, sunflower seeds, nuts, meat, fish, eggs, pulses, dried fruit, whole grains

4.    Vitamin B 12
Vitamin B 12 is vital for maintaining healthy nerve cells. Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala points out the top 6 functions of vitamin B 12 as it supports energy, good for bone health, protects the heart, improves the mood, prevents nerve damage and boosts brain health.

Sources:  Milk, cheese, egg

5.    Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a must have vitamin in the body, which helps to absorb calcium and promote bone growth. Vitamin D sometimes called “sunshine vitamin”. The important functions of vitamin D are regulating the absorption of calcium and phosphorous, supports immune system functioning, boost weight loss and reduce depression.

Sources: sunlight, salmon, sardines, egg yolk, shrimp, milk, cereal, yogurt

TO Know More   https://krishnendu.org

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