3 ayurvedic Benefits of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a popular spice used in pastries, curries and lattes all around the world, but ever thought about its surprising ayurvedic benefits?
Here are the 3 surprising ayurvedic benefits of using cinnamon:

Stokes digestive fires

               Cinnamon is a warming spice which is excellent at speeding up digestion process. It pacifies Kapha and is also good for balancing Vata. Those under Pitta type shall consume cinnamon but only in smaller quantities. Sprinkle it on rice, vegetables or even combine it with your favourite smoothies.

Clears respiratory passage

              Cinnamon is very popular in cool weather as its warming properties comfort and soother your body clearing out the airways. It can be combined with ginger and pepper to boil it into a herbal tea.

Promotes healthy circulation and joints

              Accumulation of ama around the joints can cause joint discomfort. Cinnamon prevents such situations ad it  strengthens digestion and absorption thereby preventing accumulation of ama. It is also stimulating and promotes healthy circulation.

More Info: Ayurvedic Treatment Center Kerala

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